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Scenic Views

Chadwick Lake Park

What They Are about

Chadwick Lake is a reservoir supplying water to the Town of Newburgh, in Orange County, New York, United States. It was created by damming Quassaick Creek in 1926. It is located immediately to the northwest of the junction of NY 32 and 300 in the Cronomer Valley section of the town. It is open to the public, and there are recreational facilities near the southern end. 

Our Notes 

* No hunting or swimming allowed.

* Dogs must stay on a lease at all times.

* Fishing and boating are limited, please be aware of the signs. 

* No feeding the geese.

* No unnessary noise, littering, or alcoholic beravges.

* New York State Fishing lisense REQUIRED!

Chadwick Lake Park

1702 NY-300

Newburgh, New York

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