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Editor Pick

Organic Micro Greens

Grow It Forward

What They Are about

The Grow it Forward Greenhouse Project, Inc. was incorporated in May of 2018 as a way to provide Community Action of Greene County, Inc. (CAGC), a 501c3 non-profit organization, with much needed discretionary funds. CAGC has a 50 plus year history of providing residents of Greene and surrounding counties with various programs, emergency services, and advocacy- helping low income and other vulnerable individuals strive towards self-sufficiency.  The leadership of CAGC recognized the need to develop a funding stream outside of existing government grants, which often mandate who can be served, and how they can be served. CAGC saw that many people in need were left out: they either did not qualify for existing programs, or the programs they needed did not exist.

CAGC also recognized, and fully supported, the growing movement of “eating local”- knowing where your food was sourced and how it was grown, and wanted to expand access to fresh, local and nutritious foods for all in our community, so the planning began!

After several years of seeking a place for this exciting new social enterprise, the perfect property was found in Acra, NY, to begin our first crop – micro-greens. Selling these super-greens to local restaurants, grocers, and the general public will generate revenue and bring Grow it Forward to its full potential: erecting hydroponic greenhouses to grow lettuces and other in-demand vegetables, year-round!

By generating revenue from the sale of its crops to Community Action of Greene County to support and expand its programs, and by increasing access to fresh, local produce for all, we are “Growing it Forward”!

Our Notes 

• We are huge fans of their Wheat Grass Mirco Greens 

• Everything here is top-notch and we love getting our greens here in the winter to substitute some of our nutrition in the Winter

• Support your health while supporting your community


5806 Rt 23, Acra, NY
Monday 11-2
Wednesday 11-2
Friday 11-2

Friday 10-2
Community Action of Greene County, Inc.
7856 Rt 9W, Catskill, NY

Wednesday 4-7
Coxsackie Farmers Market

Grow It Forward

5806 Rt. 23

Cairo, New York

(518) 622-5555

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