Editor's Pick ★★★★★
Farm Market • Eats • Music
Poughkeepsie Waterfront Market

What They Are about
The Poughkeepsie Waterfront Market operates on Mondays in the summer from 3:00 – 6:30 pm on the shore of the scenic Hudson River. Offering fresh farm vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, poultry, baked goods, maple products available from local farms, the marketplace is a place to deliver local healthy foods and products to area residents and those from throughout the region. There are also prepared food vendors as well as live music and a rotating showcase of local non-profit organizations.
The Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum opened the market in summer 2017 to connect city residents and families with fresh, affordable and locally-produced food. In doing so, it became the first children’s museum in the country to open and operate a public farmers market as a strategy for fighting urban food insecurity and advancing community health. The Market is now a certified SNAP Market and also participates in the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Programs to ensure the affordability of fresh produce and farm products for low-income individuals and families.